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Imagine this scenario: you’re out on a date with your boyfriend and the conversation lulls. You rack your brain for something to say, but all you can think of are inappropriate conversation starters, but they’re also likely to cause an argument. But communication in a relationship is essential to build a meaningful connection.
The art of conversations and asking questions often gets lost in the age of texting and social media, but it’s so important if you want to be able to cultivate meaningful relationships. 1 Especially during such stressful times when you’re only able to rely on each other, good conversation can be a form of self-care in your relationship, and your boyfriend will likely appreciate your effort. 2 3
So what are some questions you can ask your partner that will not only fill the silence but also get you both thinking, laughing, and talking?
This article covers all sorts of questions you can ask your guy, from deep to cute to everything in between. But if you want to dive deeper into this topic, head to our in-depth guide about asking questions in a relationship.
15 fun questions to ask your boyfriend

Sometimes, all your boyfriend need is a lighthearted conversation to perk him up. After all, humor is a great way to cope with stress, and it can even make relationships stronger when used appropriately during arguments and conflict. 4 5
If he’s having a tough day, ask him one of these questions to get him laughing and smiling again in no time.
1. Do you have any funny nicknames?
Nicknames are a fun way to show your affection, friendship, and solidarity with someone, and they can also be used as inside jokes between the two of you. 6 Maybe he got a nickname from his friends in college that he’s never told you about, or maybe he has a silly name for you that he only uses when the two of you are alone.
Either way, this question will get him laughing and help you bond over your shared sense of humor. If he doesn’t have any nicknames, you can also use this opportunity to give him one!
2. Any goofy childhood stories you want to share?
We all have those embarrassing moments from our childhood that we wish we could forget, but they can actually be a source of hilarity between you and your boyfriend. Often, these memories are so emotionally charged that they become a funny tale you can both laugh about. 7
Whether it’s a story about falling off his bike in front of all his friends or getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar, hearing about his childhood blunders will not only make you laugh but also help you feel closer to him and understand him on a deeper level.
3. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
This question is a great way to get to know your boyfriend on a deeper level and find out what he’s really like when he lets his guard down. Does he have a wild streak that you never knew about? Or is he more of a homebody than you thought?
This question will also help you gauge his risk-taking behavior and see if it matches up with yours. If he’s more of a daredevil than you are, maybe you can use this opportunity to push yourself outside your comfort zone and try something new. After all, it’s when we step out of our comfort zones that we learn the most about ourselves. 8
4. Do you have any pop culture guilty pleasures?
We all have those shows, movies, or songs that we’re embarrassed to admit we enjoy, but they can actually be a source of bonding between you and your partner.
Finding out that he’s a secret fan of *NSYNC or that he’s secretly been obsessed with the Twilight series since it came out can help you feel closer to him and understand his taste in entertainment a little better. Plus, it’ll give you something to bond over and maybe even watch or listen to together!
5. What extreme sport would you like to try?
This question is a great way to get to know your boyfriend’s adventurous side. Does he have a desire to bungee jump off a bridge or skydive out of a plane? Or is he more interested in trying less dangerous activities like rock climbing or whitewater rafting?
Extreme sports have the capacity to establish strong bonds between people, as they often require trusting your partner and working together as a team. And this bond is associated with plenty of psychological health benefits. 9 If your boyfriend is interested in trying an extreme sport, maybe you can join him on his next adventure!
6. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever eaten?
We all have those foods that we’re afraid to try, but they can actually be a source of amusement and laughter between you and your partner. If he’s daring enough to try something new, he might be surprised to find that he likes it!
Plus, this question will give you a chance to learn more about his culture, background, and family traditions. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be inspired to try some of the foods he’s eaten!
7. Do you have any siblings or pets?
This question is a great way to get to know your boyfriend on a personal level. Does he have any siblings or pets? If so, what are their names and how old are they?
You’ll also get to find out more about his family and what they’re like. Do they all live close by or are they spread out across the country? Do they have any pets? If so, what kind?
Asking about his siblings and pets is a great way to get to know him on a personal level and learn more about the people and animals he loves.
8. What motivates you?
Understanding what motivates your boyfriend can help you understand him on a deeper level. 10 Does he have any specific goals or ambitions that he’s working towards? Or is he more motivated by the people in his life?
Knowing what drives him can help you be a better partner and support him in achieving his goals. It can also help you better understand his decision-making process and why he does the things he does.
9. Do you believe in ghosts?
This question can help you gauge your boyfriend’s belief system and whether or not he’s open to the idea of ghosts. Every culture will often have different beliefs about ghosts, so this is a fun way to learn more about his background and culture. 11
It can also be a great way to start a conversation about the supernatural and paranormal. Some people believe that ghosts are the spirits of deceased loved ones who are trying to communicate with us. Others believe that they’re simply figments of our imagination.
10. Do you snore?
A fun question to ask your boyfriend, this one is sure to get a laugh out of him. Does he snore? If so, how loudly?
Sleeping and waking up together is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone, because it means you feel safe enough to let down your guard and be vulnerable in front of them. 12 If your boyfriend snores, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about! In fact, it might even end up being one of the things you love most about him.
11. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Knowing what your boyfriend loves about himself can help you love him even more. There’s nothing more attractive than a man who is confident in himself and loves the person he is. 13
Plus, this question will give you a chance to learn more about the things he values in himself. Does he love his sense of humor? His ability to be a great listener? His intelligence?
Whatever it is, you’ll be able to appreciate him even more after hearing about the things he loves about himself.
12. Describe your perfect day.
This question is a great way to get to know your boyfriend’s likes and dislikes. What does he like to do for fun? Where does he like to go? What does he like to eat?
You’ll also get a sense of what his ideal life looks like and what he’s working towards. Is he the type of person who likes to spend his days outdoors, or does he prefer to stay indoors? Does he like to be surrounded by people or does he prefer more solitary activities?
Knowing these things about your boyfriend can help you plan date nights and special occasions that are tailored specifically to him and that he’s sure to love. 14
13. If you could switch places with anyone in the world, who would it be?
Learning about the people your boyfriend admires can give you a better understanding of the kind of person he wants to be. Perhaps there’s someone he admires for their strength in the face of adversity, or their ability to make a difference in the world.
Maybe there’s someone he admires for their talent or their achievements. Or maybe there’s someone he admires simply for who they are as a person. Whoever it is, learning about the people your boyfriend admires will help you better understand the kind of person he is.
14. What would you do with a kiosk in your room where you could order anything you want for delivery to your room without even having to speak?
Such a specific question may seem like it would be difficult to answer, but it can actually tell you a lot about your boyfriend’s personality.
For example, does he like the idea of being able to order anything he wants without even having to speak? This could mean that he’s an introvert who prefers not to interact with people.
Or does he think the idea is impractical and would rather just speak to someone to place his order? This could mean that he’s a more extroverted person who likes interacting with others.
15. Can you promise to hold my hand when I’m feeling low?
Touch is an extremely powerful tool in reducing stress and promoting feelings of calm and safety. 15 So, holding hands with someone can be a very comforting experience.
If your boyfriend can offer this kind of support, it shows that he’s a very caring and compassionate person. He’s someone who is able to be there for you in the tough times and who wants to make sure you’re feeling okay.
As you see, there are a lot of fun ways to get to know your boyfriend better. And the best part is, these questions can be used again and again to continue learning about each other for years to come. You’ll never run out of things to talk about!
15 deep questions to ask your boyfriend

When you want to build trust and closeness with your partner, asking questions that require vulnerability can be a great way to do that. 16 This can be incredibly therapeutic for both of you. 17
By sharing intimate details about yourselves and your lives, you can build a stronger bond that will weather any storm.
Of course, when your boyfriend does eventually open up, it’s important to signal interest and positive approval to make the experience feel safe and enjoyable for him. 18 You can do this by maintaining eye contact, leaning in slightly, and using an affirming tone of voice.
If you’re unsure of where to start, here are 15 deep questions to ask your boyfriend.
1. What are your biggest fears?
We all have things that scare us. And when we share those fears with someone else, it can make them feel more manageable and less daunting.
In addition, we can use those fears to motivate us in achieving our goals. 19 For example, if your boyfriend is afraid of public speaking because he is afraid of public humiliation, he can use that fear to push himself to become a better speaker.
2. What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
By asking your boyfriend about his hopes and dreams, you’re giving him the opportunity to share what’s truly important to him. This can be a great way to get to know him on a deeper level and understand what drives him.
You can also use this question to gauge how compatible your long-term goals are. For example, if your boyfriend wants to travel the world and you want to settle down and start a family, you may want to have a conversation about how those goals could coexist.
3. How do you feel about your parents?
Our parents have a huge influence on our lives, whether we realize it or not. 20 And so, understanding how your boyfriend feels about his parents can give you insights into his relationship with them, as well as how he views himself.
Maybe he had a difficult childhood and he’s been working hard to overcome that. Or maybe he had a great relationship with his parents and he wants to emulate that in his own life. Either way, this is an important topic to discuss.
4. What are your thoughts on having children?
This is an important question to ask if you’re considering a long-term relationship with your boyfriend. Not everyone wants children, and so it’s important to know where he stands on the issue.
If he does want children and you do as well, you can discuss things like how many you want to have and when you would like to start a family. On the other hand, if he doesn’t want children and you do, you may need to have a difficult conversation about whether or not you can see yourself in a future with him.
5. How do I support your interests and dreams?
Being supportive of our partner’s interests and dreams is an important part of any relationship. By asking this question, you’re showing your boyfriend that you care about what’s important to him and that you want to help him achieve his goals. 21
This can be a great way to build trust and closeness in the relationship. Plus, it can also help you to understand how he views your role in his life.
6. When was the last time you cried?
Men are often taught at a young age to suppress their emotions, which can lead to problems in both their personal and professional lives. 22 Asking your boyfriend about the last time can help him feel more comfortable sharing his emotions with you.
It can also give you a better understanding of what’s going on in his life and how he’s feeling. Maybe he’s going through a tough time and he needs your support. Or maybe he’s just been under a lot of stress and he needs to let it out. Either way, this is an important question to ask.
7. Tell me about your first kiss.
First kisses are usually pretty memorable, whether they’re good or bad. And so, this can be a great question to ask your boyfriend if you want to hear a funny story or simply get to know him better.
Plus, it can also be a way to gauge his level of experience. Maybe he’s a great kisser and you want to know if he’s had a lot of practice. Or maybe he’s not so great and you want to give him some pointers. Either way, this is an important question to ask.
8. How do I cheer you up when you’re feeling down?
When stressed, sad, or angry, we all have different ways of coping. Some people like to be left alone while others appreciate being surrounded by loved ones. Showing your boyfriend that you’re there should something happen to him is crucial in any relationship.
It lets him know he can rely on you when things get tough and that you’re not going anywhere. And receiving social support has been known to positively impact emotional and behavioral health, so it’s beneficial for both of you. 23
9. Do you believe in God?
Religion can be a touchy subject for some people. But if you’re in a serious relationship, it’s important to know where your boyfriend stands on the issue.
Not only will this help you to avoid any potential arguments down the road, but it can also give you a better understanding of his values and how they align with your own. 24
10. Have you ever done anything you’re not proud of?
We’ve all made mistakes in our lives, some of which we may be ashamed of. And we have regrets about how things could have gone differently. 25 These regrets, even while unconsciously, can impact our emotional well-being, decision-making, and mental health. 26
Asking your boyfriend about a time he made a mistake can help you to understand him better and see how he’s learned and grown from the experience. It can also help him to process any guilt or shame he may feel about it.
11. Are you close with your relatives?
Family is an important part of most people’s lives, and it can have a significant on our health more than we may realize. 27 Asking your boyfriend about his relationship with his family can help you to understand him better and see how they’ve influenced his life.
It can also give you a better idea of what kind of family he comes from and how he was raised. Maybe he had a difficult childhood or maybe he was raised in a close-knit family. Either way, this is an important question to ask.
12. How do you treat yourself?
Self-care is important for everyone, but it’s something that a lot of people struggle with. If your boyfriend doesn’t take care of himself, it can be a sign that he’s not taking care of his long-term mental or emotional health. 28
Asking him about how he treats himself can help you to understand his relationship with himself and see how he takes care of his own needs. If he’s not good at taking care of himself, it may be something you can help him with.
Take him out for a day of pampering or help him to come up with a self-care routine that he can stick to. This is an amazing way to show him how much you care and help him to improve his overall well-being.
13. What do you daydream about?
All of us daydream from time to time, whether it’s about our ideal life or a romantic partner. And it’s a perfectly normal thing to do. 29 In fact, daydreaming can actually be beneficial for our mental health, particularly for creativity and emotional regulation. 30
Knowing what your boyfriend daydreams about can help you to understand his hopes and dreams. It can also be a fun way to get to know him better and bond over shared dreams and aspirations.
14. What is the oddest thing you have kept for sentimental reasons?
Sentimental items are often things that have a lot of meaning for us. They can be things that remind us of a happy memory or a loved one. 31 And because this is common for a lot of people, some might even keep items that are strange or even odd. 32
Asking your boyfriend about the oddest thing he’s kept for sentimental reasons can help you to understand what’s important to him and why. It can also be a fun way to get to know him better and bond over shared memories.
15. Are you still in touch with your exes?
It’s not uncommon for people to stay in touch with their exes, even after they’ve moved on. And while there’s nothing wrong with this, it can sometimes be a cause for concern for current partners.
If your boyfriend is still in touch with his exes, it may be something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Make sure that you tell him how you feel and ask him why he’s still in contact with them.
This is an important question to ask because it can help you to understand your boyfriend better and see how he deals with relationships. If he’s not willing to talk about it or listen to your concerns, it may be a red flag.
Self-disclosure can be a wonderful way to get closer to someone and make our partners like us more, but it can also be difficult. 33 Revealing personal information about ourselves can help to build intimacy and trust in a relationship.
Remember that self-disclosure requires you to be sincere and actually show your boyfriend that you want to get to know him on a personal level. So, keep that in mind when you ask these questions and be prepared to answer them yourself, as well.
15 flirty questions to ask your boyfriend

Flirting is a universal and enjoyable form of communication, and it involves verbal and non-verbal communication. 34 It’s a way to show someone that you’re interested in them and establish a connection. 35
If you want to get your boyfriend to flirt with you more, try asking him these flirty questions. They’re sure to get him talking and laughing, and they’ll give you a chance to flirt with him, as well.
1. Do you like what you see?
This is a flirty way of asking your boyfriend if he finds you attractive. It’s also a way of giving him a compliment and building up his ego.
Of course, you should only ask this question if you’re actually attracted to your boyfriend. But if you are, there’s no harm in flirting with him and letting him know how you feel.
2. Name three things that make you smile.
This is a fun and flirty way of getting to know your boyfriend better. It’s also a way of showing him that you’re interested in his happiness.
Not only will this question make your boyfriend smile, but it will also give you a chance to find out what makes him happy. And who knows, maybe you can use this information to make him smile even more.
3. How do you want to receive affection from me?
We all have different ways of showing and receiving affection. Some people like to be hugged or touch, while others might prefer just spending time together, or talking. 36
This question is a great way to find out how your boyfriend likes to receive affection. It’s also a way of showing him that you care about his needs and want to make sure that he’s happy.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Love at first sight is a popular theme in movies and TV shows, and it’s much more common in real life than you might think. 37 If you believe in love at first sight, then this question is a great way to find out if your boyfriend does, too.
It’s also a fun way to get him talking about love and relationships. And who knows, maybe you’ll even find out that you have more in common than you thought.
5. What’s your idea of a perfect date?
This is a great question to ask your boyfriend if you’re planning a date. It’s also a way of getting to know him better and finding out what he likes.
You can also take this opportunity to plan a date together that you both will enjoy. Even just the simple act of planning a date together can be a fun and bonding experience. 14
6. Do you like cuddling?
Cuddling is a great way to show affection and build intimacy, and it can even reduce stress and anxiety. 38 Ask your boyfriend if he likes cuddling, and you might be surprised at his answer.
If he does, schedule a time for a cuddle session. If he doesn’t, maybe you can try to convince him to give it a try. Of course, there are also other ways you can express your affection if he’s not a fan of cuddling.
7. Do you have any fantasies?
Fantasies are a normal and healthy part of sexuality, and they can be a great way to spice up your sex life. 39
If your boyfriend is open to sharing his fantasies with you, it can be a fun and exciting way to get to know him better. It can also be a way to add some excitement to your relationship.
If he’s not comfortable sharing his fantasies, that’s OK, too. You can still enjoy exploring your fantasies together.
8. Will you help me pick an outfit for our next date?
This is a flirty way of asking your boyfriend for his opinion. It’s also a way of showing him that you trust his taste and want to look good for him.
Of course, you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to ask this question. You can ask it any time you want his opinion on what you’re wearing.
9. If I were sad, how would you cheer me up?
No one likes to see their loved ones sad, and this question is a great way to find out how your boyfriend would react if you were feeling down.
It can also be a flirty way of asking him to cheer you up. And who knows, maybe he’ll even take the opportunity to do just that.
10. What would you want me to cook for you?
Cooking can be a great way to show someone you care about them. And sharing food is a great way to bond with someone. 40
Ask your boyfriend what his favorite food is, and then cook it for him. It’s a simple way to make him happy and show him how much you care.
11. What are you like as a boyfriend?
In a relationship, we all have different roles that we play. Some people are more nurturing, while others are more protective.
This question is a great way to find out what your boyfriend’s natural tendencies are in a relationship. It can also be a way of getting to know him better and understanding his role in the relationship.
12. Do you like the person you are when you’re with me?
Romantic partners can significantly change who we are as people. 41 This question is a great way to find out if your boyfriend likes the person he is when he’s with you.
It’s also a way of getting him to reflect on how being in a relationship has changed him for the better. Maybe his answer will even inspire you to reflect on how your relationship has changed you.
13. What sets you apart from other guys?
This is a great way to find out what your boyfriend’s best qualities are. It’s also a way of getting to know him better and understanding what makes him unique.
You can ask this in a lighthearted way, or you can ask it in a more serious way. Either way, it’s a question that can help you to appreciate your boyfriend more.
14. If you could master one skill overnight, what would it be?
Knowing what your boyfriend’s skills are can be helpful in a relationship. You can also get to know him better and understand what he’s passionate about.
If you’re looking for ways to help your boyfriend improve his life, this is a great question to ask. It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his development and growth.
15. Do you think relationships should be easy, or do you think they should require effort?
This is a great question to ask if you’re curious about your boyfriend’s philosophy on relationships. It can also help to gauge if you’re putting in the same effort and commitment to the relationship.
This question can also help to start a conversation about what you both want from the relationship. Having the same levels of commitment is important in any relationship, but it is crucial if you want your relationship to be a long-term success. 42
Flirty questions are a great way to add some spice to your relationship. They can also be a way of getting to know your boyfriend better and understanding his likes and dislikes.
And who knows, maybe your boyfriend will even be inspired to ask you some flirty questions in return.
15 good questions to ask your boyfriend

When we meet someone new, we often ask them surface-level questions about their job, where they’re from, and what their hobbies are. We might even redirect the conversation and share something about ourselves. However, this may not always work in our favor. 43
They say that the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach, but we all know this isn’t always true. When it comes to your boyfriend, sometimes the key to his heart and feelings lies in what you know about him and how much you care about him.
These 15 questions can make sure you’re getting something more than just his favorite food and sports team.
1. How do you cool down when everything isn’t going your way?
We all have different ways of cooling down when we’re feeling stressed. Some people might take a long walk, others may find solace in food, and for some, it’s just about taking deep breaths.
This question can get him thinking about how he handles stress and what he likes to do to relax. It can also reveal if your boyfriend has any habits that you’re not aware of.
2. If money isn’t a factor, where would you live?
Perhaps your boyfriend has always dreamed of living in a certain city or country. Or maybe he’s just curious about what life would be like somewhere else.
This question can be a great way to learn about his aspirations and what he’s looking for in life. It can also help you to understand his values and what’s important to him.
3. What are some things you would do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Questions like these can get us thinking about what’s truly important to us. If your boyfriend could only do a few things in his last day, what would they be?
This question can help you to understand his priorities and what he values most in life. It can also be a way of showing him that you care about him and his well-being.
4. Who knows you better than anyone?
Everyone has someone in their life who knows them better than anyone else. For some people, it’s their best friend, for others, it’s their parent or sibling.
This question can help you to understand who is important to your boyfriend and why they mean so much to him. It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his life and the people who are important to him.
5. What do your parents think of me?
This is a question that can be both revealing and nerve-wracking. It’s always important to know what our parents think of the people we’re dating. Because, as much as we don’t like it, the approval of our parents can often have a big impact on our relationships. 44
Knowing what his parents think of you can give you a better understanding of how he feels about you and the relationship. It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his family and what they think of you.
6. Do you enjoy your job?
We will all be spending a huge portion of our lives working, so it’s no surprise that being satisfied with what we do for a living can be a huge predictor of our life satisfaction and happiness. 45
By asking your boyfriend this question, you can get a better understanding of how he feels about his job and what he does on a day-to-day basis. It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his life and what he does for a living.
7. What are some of the things you’ve always wanted to do?
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget about the things we’ve always wanted to do. This question can help your boyfriend to remember his dreams and what he’s passionate about. It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his life and what he wants to achieve.
As a child, did he ever have any dreams or aspirations? We all had dreams as children. Some of us wanted to be astronauts, others wanted to be firefighters or doctors.
8. Are there things you would want us to do together if we had more time?
Perhaps your boyfriend has always dreamed of going on a certain trip or doing a certain activity, but he’s never had the time or opportunity to do it. This question can help you to understand what his goals for your relationship are and how he would like to spend his time with you. 46
You can also use it as a way of showing him that you’re interested in spending time with him and doing things that he enjoys.
9. Are you happy with your life right now?
This is a question that can be both revealing and thought-provoking. It’s a way of asking your boyfriend how satisfied he is with where his life has taken him so far. If the answer is yes, then this question may help identify other goals that need to be addressed.
If the answer is no, then it gives you the opportunity to offer assistance on how he can make changes to his life and overcome whatever challenges he is facing.
10. What are your relationship dealbreakers?
When people enter romantic relationships, they often have a couple or even a set of traits they generally find desirable in a partner. However, there are also dealbreakers, which are specific traits or behaviors that would cause them to turn away from a potential partner. 47
By asking your boyfriend what his dealbreakers are, you can get a better understanding of the things that could potentially ruin your relationship. Maybe he hates it when people are late or when they don’t keep their promises.
Knowing his dealbreakers can help you to avoid them in the future and make your relationship stronger.
11. What are some things you’re passionate about?
Passion is an intense emotion that can drive us to continuously engage in our favority activities. 48 It has been linked to positive emotions, improved flow and concentration, and greater well-being. 49 Passion has even been associated with great sleep quality and overall physical health. 50
When we’re passionate about something, we’re more likely to feel happy and fulfilled. Knowing what ignites the fire in your boyfriend’s soul can help you to understand what makes him happy and how you can support his passions.
It can also be a way of showing him that you’re interested in his life and what he’s passionate about.
12. If you could turn back time, what would you change?
At some point in our lives, we’ve all made mistakes that we wish we could go back and change. Maybe your boyfriend regrets not spending more time with his family or not working hard enough in school.
When you ask him this question, it shows that you’re interested in his life and what he would change if given the chance. It also allows you to get a better understanding of his values and what he sees as important in life.
13. Have you ever volunteered for a cause you’re passionate about?
Giving back to the community is a great way to make a difference in the world, and volunteerism has a long list of known health benefits. 51 Showing interest in the causes your boyfriend is passionate about can be a way of supporting him and his values.
It can also help you to understand what he cares about and how he likes to spend his time. Volunteerism is a great way to get involved in the community and make new friends, so this question can also be a way of showing your boyfriend that you’re interested in doing things together.
14. What would you like to do when you retire?
This question can be a way of showing your boyfriend that you’re interested in his future plans. It can also help you to understand what his goals and aspirations are.
Maybe he wants to travel the world or start his own business. Knowing what he wants to do when he retires can help you to support him in achieving his goals.
15. When you receive good news, who is the first person you
The people we choose to share our good news with say a lot about our relationships with them. Maybe your boyfriend always tells you first when something great happens, or maybe he calls his parents before anyone else.
Giving him the opportunity to share his good news with you shows that you’re interested in his life and what’s going on with him. It can also help you to understand how important you are to him and where you rank in his list of priorities.
Of course, just because he doesn’t tell you first doesn’t mean he doesn’t value your relationship. But this question can provide you an opportunity to let him know that you’re interested in hearing about his good news.
Take the time to ask your boyfriend these questions and really listen to his answers. The more you know about him, the stronger your relationship will be. And don’t be shy to ask some follow-up questions to get more information. After all, getting to know your boyfriend is an ongoing process.
15 cute questions to ask your boyfriend

Talking to people can feel like a chore for some of us, but for others, it’s natural as can be. If you find yourself in the latter group, consider yourself lucky. You have a real gift.
For the rest of us that dread small talk, there’s hope. If you know the right questions to ask, you can get a conversation going that will last longer than the time it takes to order your coffee. And you might even get your boyfriend smiling from how cute you are.
Here are 15 cute questions to ask your boyfriend.
1. Did you have any pets as a kid?
Pets are often a staple in many homes. 52 They teach us responsibility, compassion, and how to care for others. For a lot of people, pets are their first best friend.
If your boyfriend had a pet growing up, ask him about it. He may have fond memories of his childhood pet that he’s never told you about. Or, he may have stories of the trouble his pet used to get into
2. Do you like your middle name?
Some people love their middle name and others can’t stand it. If your boyfriend has a middle name, find out how he feels about it.
Maybe he likes it because it’s a family name or maybe he wishes his parents had chosen something else. Either way, this question can spark an interesting conversation about his name and what it means to him.
3. What is the best present you’ve ever received?
When we think about the best present we’ve ever received, it’s usually something that was given to us at a time when we needed it the most.
For some people, it’s a material item like a car or a piece of jewelry. For others, it’s something more sentimental like a handwritten letter or a homemade gift.
No matter what his answer is, this question can give you an idea of what type of presents he likes to receive. Maybe you can use his answer to give him the best present ever and make the two of you closer in the process, as gift-giving has been shown to improve relationships. 53
4. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
For a lot of us, the weekends are a time to relax and recharge after a long week at work. But that doesn’t mean we don’t like to have a little fun too.
Find out what your boyfriend likes to do for fun on the weekends. Maybe he likes to go hiking or camping, or maybe he’s more of a homebody and likes to watch movies and eat pizza.
Either way, you’ll get to know him better and maybe even find a new activity to do together. Who knows, you might even discover that you have the same favorite weekend activity.
5. How do you think we complement each other?
In a relationship, it’s important to feel like you and your partner are a good fit. After all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time together and will likely be filling each other’s needs in different ways. 54
This question can help you understand how your boyfriend sees the two of you as a couple. Maybe he thinks you’re a good balance for each other or maybe he thinks you have different strengths that complement each other well.
6. Did you have a stuffed animal when you were a kid?
Stuffed animals are often our first foray into the world of caring for something. They’re soft, cuddly, and always there when we need them. It’s no wonder they’re often our favorite childhood toys.
If your boyfriend had a stuffed animal as a kid, ask him about it. He may have had one that he was particularly attached to or maybe he had a whole menagerie of them.
7. What’s your favorite love song?
Music has a way of capturing our emotions and memories like nothing else. 55 That’s why songs can often take on a whole new meaning when they’re associated with someone we love.
Find out what your boyfriend’s favorite love song is and why he likes it. Maybe it reminds him of when you first met or maybe it’s just a really catchy tune. If he has a couple of them, you could even make a playlist of love songs for the two of you to listen to together.
8. Do you know handsome you are?
We all have moments when we feel insecure or doubt our attractiveness. But sometimes we need a reminder from the people we love that we’re still as beautiful to them as the day they met us.
If your boyfriend is feeling down lately or could use a confidence boost, ask him this question. It’ll make him feel good and let him know that you still find him attractive. Even better, tailor this compliment to specific things you love about his appearance. 56 For example, “I love your eyes” or “You have the best smile.
9. Have you ever laughed so hard that you cried?
Laughter is one of the best things in life. It’s been shown to have all sorts of benefits, from reducing stress to improved mental and physical health. 57
Make your boyfriend remember that special moment by asking him about it. He’ll likely have a story or two about a time when he laughed so hard that he cried. And who knows, maybe hearing about his funny experiences will make you laugh so hard that you cry too.
10. Did you ever want to be famous?
We all have dreams and aspirations. Some of us want to be famous, while others just want to make a difference in the world.
Ask your boyfriend what his dreams are. He may have wanted to be famous when he was younger or maybe he’s always been more interested in making a difference. Either way, you’ll get to know him better and what motivates him in life.
11. How long did it take you to be comfortable around me?
Entering into a new relationship can be daunting. We often worry about what the other person will think of us and whether or not they’ll like us.
This question can help you understand how your boyfriend felt when he first started dating you. He may have been nervous at first but quickly warmed up to you or he may have taken his time getting to know you. Regardless, it’s a sweet way to show that you care about his experiences and how he feels.
12. Do you think I could read you well?
Being able to tell what someone is thinking or feeling is a valuable skill. This includes being able to read someone just from how they act or from the things they say.
If you and your boyfriend have been together for a while, you may think you know him pretty well. But it never hurts to ask him if he thinks you could read him well. Typically, if you feel like your relationship has been going strong and is satisfactory, you’re more likely to be accurate in your assessment. 58
Of course, if you’ve been dating for only a short time, it’s likely that you won’t know each other as well just yet. In this case, simply ask him how he thinks you’re doing so far in getting to know him.
13. Have you got any funny nicknames for me?
Nicknames can be a sign of endearment. They often reveal how we feel about the other person and can be used as a term for affection.
Some couples have nicknames for each other that only they know. Others may use more public ones like “babe” or “baby.”
If your boyfriend has a nickname for you, ask him about it. He may have come up with it spontaneously or it could be something he’s been calling you for a while.
14. When was the last time you did something for the first time?
No matter how old we are, there’s always something new to experience. We may not have the energy or opportunity to do things like we did when we were younger, but that doesn’t mean life has to be boring.
Ask your boyfriend when the last time he did something for the first time was. It could be anything from trying a new food to going on a new adventure. His answer will give you a better sense of his interests and what he enjoys doing.
15. If everything happens for a reason, what do you think was the reason we met?
This is a cute question to ask your boyfriend that can lead to some interesting conversations. It’s a way of asking him what he thinks about fate and whether or not he believes that everything happens for a reason.
His answer will reveal a lot about his worldview and how he sees you in his life. It’s a question that can lead to some deep and meaningful conversations, so be prepared to really listen to his answer.
These cute questions to ask your boyfriend are a great way to get to know him better and to make him feel loved and appreciated. If you want to show your boyfriend how much you care about him, ask him these questions. He’ll be sure to appreciate the effort!
15 serious questions to ask your boyfriend

Having a great relationship with your partner is all about communication. You need to be able to talk openly and honestly with each other about everything – the good, the bad and the ugly. This includes asking tough questions, even if they may be a little bit uncomfortable to answer.
Asking serious questions also shows that you’re invested in the relationship and that you really care about your partner. It shows that you’re not afraid to talk about the tough stuff and that you’re willing to go deep to get to know each other better. 59
So, if you want to take your relationship to the next level, here are 15 serious questions to ask your boyfriend.
1. What does it mean for you to be able to trust someone?
Trust is a really important part of any relationship. It’s the foundation that everything else is built on. 60 So, it’s important to ask your boyfriend what trust means to him.
Is it simply being honest with each other? Is it being able to rely on each other? Or is there more to it than that? His answer will give you a better understanding of what it takes for him to trust someone and how he views trust in relationships.
2. Do you think love is enough to sustain a relationship, or do you think relationships require more than just love?
Love is a beautiful thing. But it’s not always enough to sustain a long-term, healthy relationship. 61
Relationships require work, compromise, communication, and effort. So, it’s important to ask your boyfriend if he thinks love is enough or if he believes that relationships need more than just love. His answer will give you a better sense of what he expects from a relationship and how he views love.
3. What are your thoughts on monogamy?
While monogamy is the most common form of relationship, it may not be for everyone. 62 Some people believe that because monogamy has a lot of benefits (legal and social), it is the most optimal form of relationship. 63
Others may believe that monogamy is too restrictive and doesn’t allow for enough freedom. Knowing where your boyfriend stands on monogamy can help you understand his views on relationships and what he is looking for in a partner.
His answer to this question can also help you set realistic expectations for the future of your relationship.
4. What are your thoughts on marriage?
Like monogamy, marriage is also 64 a popular form of commitment to one person. People will often marry for love, but there are also many other reasons why people choose to get married.
On the other hand, some will also not want to get married because they believe it’s an outdated institution. Or they may simply not believe in the concept of marriage.
Having compatible views on marriage is important if you’re considering a long-term, committed relationship with someone. Your boyfriend’s answer to this question will give you a better sense of his views on marriage and whether or not it’s something he sees in your future together.
5. What kind of life do you want to have in 10 years?
This question can help you get a sense of your boyfriend’s long-term goals and what he wants out of life. Do his goals align with yours?
Do you want similar things in life? This question can also help you gauge how compatible you are with each other. If your long-term goals are not compatible, it may be difficult to maintain a long-term relationship.
6. What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?
Commitment? Intimacy? Trust? Communication? Many people might say one or two or all of these things. 41
But what does your boyfriend think is the most important thing in a relationship? His answer will give you a better sense of what he values most in a relationship and what he is looking for in a partner.
You may also find that you share the same values. This can be a good foundation for a long-term, committed relationship.
7. Do you think you would want to have kids someday?
This question can help you gauge your compatibility with each other when it comes to family planning, which is an incredibly important factor for the health and well-being of families. 65
Do you want the same number of kids? Do you want them at the same time? If you want kids and he doesn’t (or vice versa), trying to find common ground can be difficult.
It’s important to have a discussion about this topic early on so that you can understand each other’s views and make a decision about whether or not you want to pursue a long-term relationship.
8. If we ended up in a long-distance relationship, would you be okay with that?
Long-distance relationships pose many challenges that can be difficult to overcome, but they can also be incredibly rewarding, even just as much as a traditional, in-person relationship. 66 67
If you’re considering a long-term relationship with someone, it’s important to know whether or not they would be willing to pursue a long-distance relationship.
Perhaps your boyfriend is willing to relocate for the right person. Or maybe he’s not interested in a long-distance relationship at all. Either way, his answer to this question can help you gauge your compatibility and whether or not you want to pursue a long-term relationship.
9. Do you think there’s anything that could tear us apart?
No relationship is perfect, and every couple will face challenges at some point in their relationship. 68
What’s important is how you and your partner deal with those challenges. This question can help you gauge your boyfriend’s level of commitment to the relationship and whether or not he’s willing to work through challenges.
It can also help you determine whether or not you want to pursue a long-term relationship with someone who isn’t fully committed to the relationship.
10. Is falling in love something that happens easy for you or does it take time?
People will have different answers to this question, as some people fall in love quickly while others may take longer to develop strong feelings. As time goes on in a relationship, closeness and intimacy will grow, and this can help solidify feelings of love. 69
Maybe your boyfriend has been hurt in the past and is hesitant to fall in love again. Perhaps he’s just not the type of person to fall in love quickly. Of course, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question, but it can give you a better sense of how he experiences love.
11. Do you like spending time with my friends?
The people we surround ourselves with say a lot about who we are as individuals. They can influence our thoughts, our feelings, and even our decision-making process. 70
If your boyfriend doesn’t get along with your friends, this can create tension and conflict in the relationship. It’s important to have a partner who is supportive of your friendships and respects the people in your life.
12. What makes you jealous?
Jealousy is a normal reaction to something that threatens our relationship with someone we care about. 71
However, jealousy can also be destructive to a relationship if it’s not managed properly. Perhaps your boyfriend doesn’t like it when you talk to other guys or maybe he gets jealous when you spend time with your friends.
Reassuring him that he is the only one for you can help ease his jealousy, but it’s important to understand what makes him jealous so that you can avoid or discuss any potential conflict.
13. Describe your dream honeymoon.
Is he a romantic guy who wants to whisk you away to a private island? Or is he more interested in exploring a new city together?
Of course, you don’t have to be married to go on a honeymoon, but this question can give you a sense of his romantic side and what he envisions for your future together.
14. What type of parent would you be?
If he answered yes to the previous questions asking if he wanted children, then this question can be a helpful way to determine your compatibility as future parents. Parenting styles make a huge impact on children, so it’s important to find someone who shares your parenting values. 72
Do you want to be a stay-at-home parent or do you envision yourself working full-time? Are you interested in using traditional discipline methods or do you prefer a more gentle approach?
Asking questions about his parenting style can help you determine if you’re on the same page when it comes to raising a family.
15. Do you think people are only destined to meet one soulmate or can we have multiple soulmates in our lifetime?
Many people believe that we have only one soulmate, while others believe that we can have multiple soulmates throughout our lifetime. When people believe that they met their one soulmate already, they’re more likely to put in the effort to make the relationship work, even when things are tough. 73
Of course, your boyfriend might not believe in the concept of soulmates at all, but this question can be an interesting way to start a discussion about fate and destiny.
These 15 questions ensure that you’re having meaningful conversations with your partner and not just small talk. If you can’t think of anything to say, ask one of these questions to get the conversation started.
15 romantic questions to ask your boyfriend

Maintaining a strong relationship requires effort and intentionality, but it can be difficult to come up with new and interesting things to talk about regularly. Keeping the spark alive in your relationship requires quality conversations, specifically those that can make your partner feel loved, appreciated, and understood.
Here are 15 questions that you can ask your boyfriend to start a romantic conversation.
1. What was your first impression of me?
You’ve heard of the saying, “never judge a book by its cover.” But first impressions are important, and they can tell you a lot about someone. And people who enter romantic relationships often base their initial attraction off of physical appearance, so it can be interesting to find out what made your partner first notice you. 74
Asking your boyfriend about his first impression of you can give you insight into what qualities he was drawn to and why he’s with you today.
2. When did you realize that you loved me?
This question can be a sweet way to find out when your partner realized that he was in love with you. It can also help you understand what qualities he loves most about you.
Maybe you can also share when you realized that you loved him too. This question can help create a stronger bond between the two of you as you reminisce about your relationship.
3. What’s your favorite thing that I do?
We all have quirks and habits that our loved ones find annoying, but hopefully, there are also things that we do that our partner loves.
Asking your boyfriend about his favorite thing that you do can help him feel appreciated and loved. It’s a way of saying, “I know that I do things that bother you, but I also do things that make you happy. Thank you for noticing the things that make you happy.”
4. What’s your favorite memory of us?
Couples often have inside jokes and shared memories that only they can understand and laugh about. These shared memories can help create a strong bond between partners, so it’s important to reminisce about them every once in a while. 75
This question can also help you understand what your partner values most about your relationship. Is it the time that you surprised him with tickets to his favorite concert? Or is it the weekend that you spend exploring a new city together?
Whatever the answer is, it can help you understand what your partner cherishes most about being with you.
5. How could we be better partners with each other?
By asking this question, you’re showing your partner that you want to be the best possible version of yourself for him. And hopefully, he feels the same way.
This question can also lead to a discussion about the areas in which you both need to grow. Setting self-improvement goals and encouraging each other to reach them can help you both become better people and, as a result, better partners. 76
6. What’s your idea of the best way to “make up” after an argument?
When you’ve had a disagreement with your partner, it’s important to make up afterward in a way that makes both of you feel comfortable and loved.
This is a cute way of asking your boyfriend what he needs after a fight. Does he need some time alone to cool off? Or does he want you to come over and give him a hug?
7. Do you feel like you can be yourself around me?
Being authentic, “real”, or acting in a way that aligns with our true selves 77 is important in any relationship. 78 People often put up walls and pretend to be someone that they’re not around their partner, which can lead to feelings of disconnection and loneliness.
If your partner feels like he can’t be himself around you, it’s important to have a discussion about why that is and how you can both work to create a more open and safe environment for each other.
8. Do you feel like our relationship is balanced?
In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel like they’re being equally loved and cared for. If one person feels like they’re doing all the work or giving more than they’re receiving, it can lead to resentment and feelings of imbalance.
This question can help you and your partner assess how you’re both feeling about the relationship. If one of you feels like the relationship is imbalanced, you can talk about ways to even things out.
9. Do you feel like I listen to you and understand you?
We all have a need to be heard and understood by our loved ones. As social beings, we rely on our relationships to provide us with a sense of connection and belonging. 79
Your boyfriend may feel like you don’t understand him if you’re always interrupting him, finishing his sentences, or acting like you know what he’s going to say next. It’s important to let him know that you’re interested in hearing what he has to say and that you understand how he feels.
In this case, you can practice active listening, which is a way of listening that requires the listener to pay attention, paraphrase what the speaker is saying, and provide feedback. 80
10. What are your thoughts on our sex life?
Your partner may be hesitant to talk about his needs in bed, but it’s important to have an open and honest conversation about sex. This way, you can both understand what the other wants and needs and work together to make sure that both of you are satisfied.
Sex is an important part of many romantic relationships, and it can be a way to connect with your partner on a physical and emotional level. 81 If one of you is unhappy with how your sex life is, it can be a sign that something else is wrong in the relationship.
11. Do you think you can tell me anything, no matter what it is?
It’s important to feel like you can talk to your partner about anything, whether it’s something that’s bothering you or something that’s making you happy. If you don’t feel like your partner is a safe person to confide in, it can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Being able to share everything with your partner is a sign of trust, and it’s important to have that level of trust in a relationship. 82 If you don’t feel like you can tell your partner something, it’s worth asking why that is and whether there’s anything you can do to change it.
12. Where would you like our relationship to be in the future?
This is a good question to ask if you’re thinking about taking your relationship to the next level, or if you’re just curious about your partner’s thoughts on the future. It can help you gauge where your partner sees the relationship going and whether he’s on the same page as you.
Asking your partner about his plans for the future can also give you a better idea of where he sees himself and whether he’s planning on staying in the relationship. If you’re not on the same page, it can be a sign that you need to have a discussion about your expectations for the future.
13. How soon did you start thinking about me after our first date?
This is a fun question to ask if you’re feeling confident and secure in your relationship. First dates are often nerve-wracking and it can take a while to get to know someone, so it’s nice to know that your partner was thinking about you even before you became a couple.
Of course, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question, but it can be a fun way to get to know your partner’s thoughts on love and relationships.
14. What does it feel like when I kiss you?
This is a sensual question that can help you connect with your partner on a physical level. It’s a way of asking him to describe his experience of kissing you, which can be a turn-on in itself.
Kissing is a wonderful way to express affection and it can be a way to show your partner how much you care about him. Kissing frequency has also been linked with relationship satisfaction, so it’s definitely something worth paying attention to. 83
15. Do you ever have dreams about me?
This is a cute question to ask if you’re in the mood for some lighthearted banter. It’s a way of asking your partner if you’ve been on his mind, even when he’s asleep.
Of course, your partner may not want to share his dreams with you, but it’s still a fun question to ask. It can also be a way of showing your partner that you care about him and that you’re interested in what he’s thinking about.
These are just a few questions to get love in the air! You and your partner should feel free to ask each other anything that’s on your mind. After all, communication is key to a happy and healthy relationship.
15 random questions to ask your boyfriend

While having meaningful conversations with your partner is essential to a healthy relationship, sometimes it’s also fun to just ask each other random questions. It can be a way to get to know each other better and it can also be a way to have some lighthearted fun.
Here are 15 random questions you can ask your boyfriend.
1. Do you have any talents?
Hidden talents are a fun thing to discover about your partner. It can be something as simple as being able to touch your nose with your tongue or being able to do a perfect impression of Elvis Presley.
Talents can also be things that you didn’t even know were talents, like being able to solve Rubik’s cubes or knowing all the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song. Whatever it is, it’s always fun to find out what hidden talents your partner has.
2. If you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be?
This is a question that can give you insight into what your partner values and what he’s interested in. For example, if he says he would trade places with Barack Obama, it might mean that he values political change or that he’s interested in politics.
If he says he would trade places with Leonardo DiCaprio, it might mean that he values acting or that he’s interested in the movie industry. It’s a fun question to ask because it can give you a glimpse into your partner’s dreams and aspirations.
3. What are you most embarrassed about?
We all have embarrassing moments that we’d rather forget, but they can also be a source of amusement for our loved ones. Asking your partner about his most embarrassing moment is a way of showing him that you care about him and that you’re interested in hearing about his life.
It’s also a way of bonding with your partner over the fact that we’re all human and we all make mistakes. Chances are, you’ll both end up laughing about his embarrassing moment and it will bring you closer together.
4. Are you a dog or cat person?
This is a question that can start a lively debate between you and your partner. It’s a way of finding out what kind of animal he prefers and it’s also a way of showing him that you’re interested in his opinion.
Of course, there’s no right or wrong answer to this question, but it can be a fun way to get to know each other better. It can also be a way of showing your partner that you’re open-minded and that you’re willing to listen to his point of view.
5. What’s your favorite pizza topping?
This is a question that can reveal a lot about your partner’s personality. For example, if he says he likes anchovies, it might mean that he’s adventurous and willing to try new things.
If he says he likes pepperoni, it might mean that he’s a traditionalist. Whatever his favorite pizza topping is, it’s a fun way of finding out more about your partner’s taste buds.
6. Have you ever experienced a paranormal event?
When it comes to the paranormal, everyone has their own opinion. Maybe he’s seen a ghost or a spiritual possession before, which is quite common in many cultures. 84
Maybe he’s just read about it in a book or watched it in a movie. Whatever his experience is, this is a question that can open up a whole new world of conversation between you and your partner.
7. Do you like to dance?
Dancing is a social activity that people often enjoy with other people, and sometimes with their partners. It has a long list of benefits, including physical and mental health benefits. 85
Get your groove on and ask your partner if he likes to dance. If he does, then you can take a dance class together or go out dancing at a club. If he doesn’t like to dance, then you can ask him why not. Maybe you can even teach him a few moves.
8. Do you think aliens are real?
This is another question that can open up a whole new world of conversation. It’s a way of finding out what your partner thinks about aliens and whether or not he believes in them.
Maybe he’s seen a UFO before or maybe he’s just read about them in the news. Maybe his favorite movie is E.T. or maybe he’s just interested in the topic. Either way, this is a question that can lead to some interesting conversations.
9. What’s one movie that you watch over and over again?
We all have that one movie that we can watch over and over again. For some people, it’s a feel-good movie that always puts a smile on their faces. For others, it’s a classic movie that they never get tired of.
Whatever his favorite movie is, this is a question that can reveal a lot about your partner’s personality. It’s also a way of finding out if you have the same taste in movies.
You can also take this opportunity to introduce him to your favorite movie if he hasn’t seen it before. Who knows, maybe it will become his new favorite movie.
10. Do you like to sing in the shower?
This is a fun question that can show you whether or not your partner likes to let loose and have some fun. Maybe he loves to sing in the shower and he’s really good at it.
Or maybe he’s never tried it before but he’s curious about it. Either way, this is a question that can lead to some fun and laughter.
11. What’s your silliest pet peeve?
Does he hate it when people chew with their mouths open? Does he get annoyed when people use text speak? Maybe he can’t stand it when people leave the toilet seat up.
You’ll never know until you ask him. This is a question that can reveal a lot about your partner’s personality and it can also be a way to bond with him.
12. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever received as a gift?
Gifts are always special, no matter what they are. But sometimes, we receive gifts that are a little bit…weird. Maybe he’s received a gift that he’s never been able to use or maybe he’s received a gift that was just plain strange.
Or maybe it was part of their gift-giving traditions to give weird gifts. Whatever the case may be, this is a question that can lead to some interesting conversations.
13. Would you still love me if I were a worm?
This is a fun, random question that has circulated on the internet for quite some time. It’s a way of finding out how much your partner loves you and if he would still love you even if you were not in human form.
You can even make this sillier by changing the animal to something else, like a chicken or a monkey. It’s all up to you.
14. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Tattoos and body piercings are often associated with a person’s personality. People who have them are often viewed as risk-takers or as people who are not afraid to express themselves. 86
If your partner has any tattoos or piercings, he may have a special meaning behind them. Or maybe he just likes the way they look. Either way, this is a question that can reveal a lot about him.
15. Did anything interesting happen to you today?
This is a question that can help you find out what’s going on in your partner’s life. It’s a way of keeping the conversation going and it’s also a way of showing that you’re interested in him.
You never know, he might have had a really bad day and he needs someone to talk to. Or maybe he had a really great day and he wants to share it with you. Checking in with him like this can help you stay connected to each other.
So there you have it, 120 questions to ask your boyfriend. These questions can help you get to know him better and they can also help you bond with him.
Don’t be afraid to ask him any of these questions. He might not answer all of them, but that’s okay. Just pick and choose the ones that you think he’ll be most comfortable with.
And above all, just enjoy getting to know him better. That’s what it’s all about.
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
- The Power of Four Bases for Relationships: Can You Hit a Home Run in a Relationship?
- Communication and Relationship: A Guide to Deeper Connection, Trust and Intimacy to Improve Communication and Strengthen Your Bond as a Couple
- Couple's Bucket List: 101 Fun, Engaging Dating Ideas
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