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When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to want to make your partner happy. Humans are inherently drawn to form relationships with people who make us feel good. 1 And being happy is something people from all cultures and walks of life aspire to. 2
People who are happy in their relationships are more likely to report higher levels of health and well-being. 3 This means that having stable and satisfying relationships is critical to our physical and mental health. 4 You’ll not only make your girl happy by making her feel loved and appreciated, but you’ll also improve your health in the process.
So, how do you go about making your girlfriend happy? Look no further; this guide will give you all the tips and tricks you need to ensure your girlfriend is always smiling. From tips and things to say to what you should do on her special day, this guide has got you covered.
11 tips on how to make your girlfriend happy

In relationships, the little things often mean the most. Just because you’re not buying your girlfriend a new car or taking her on an all-expenses-paid vacation doesn’t mean you can’t make her happy. The small gestures, like planning a date or doing the dishes without being asked, can make your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated. 5
You’ll find that making your girlfriend happy is easy when you focus on the little things and put in the effort to show her how much you care. Here are 11 tips on how to make your girlfriend happy.
1. Be present and engaged when you’re with her
When you’re with your girlfriend, give her your undivided attention. People in romantic relationships often evaluate whether a partner pays attention to them as a sign of commitment. 6 Moreover, individuals with attentive partners are more generous and trusting towards them. 7 So, if you want to make your girlfriend happy, be present and engaged when you’re with her.
This means putting away your phone, making eye contact, and actively listening when she’s talking to you. Not only will this make her feel valued, but it will also make your conversations more enjoyable and meaningful.
2. Make time for her
In today’s busy world, letting work or other obligations precede your relationship can be easy. But if you want to make your girlfriend happy, it’s essential to make time for her. Interacting with your partner and investing more time into the relationship have been known to predict better well-being in individuals in satisfactory romantic relationships. 8 So, try setting aside time each week to go on dates, talk on the phone, or just spend time together doing things she enjoys.
It may also mean making sacrifices, like working late instead of going out with friends, to spend more time with her. Making time for your girlfriend shows her that she’s a priority in your life and that you’re willing to make sacrifices for her can have positive effects on your relationship. 9
3. Do thoughtful things for her
A small romantic gesture can go a long way in making your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated. Something as simple as bringing her breakfast in bed or taking the dog for a walk can put a smile on her face. Perhaps you can also plan a movie night where you can watch her favorite action movie or cook her dinner using her favorite recipe.
Thoughtful gestures show your girlfriend that you’re always thinking about her and that you care about her happiness. Especially if her love language is acts of service, these small gestures can make a big difference in your relationship and go a long way in making your girlfriend happy. 10
4. Tell her she’s beautiful
One of the best things you can do for your girlfriend is to tell her she’s beautiful inside and out. Complimenting her on her physical appearance is essential. It is the most common topic of compliments, but it’s also essential to tell her that you appreciate her personality and who she is as a person. 11
Tell her that you find her sense of humor attractive or admire her strength and courage. These compliments will not only make her feel good about herself, but they’ll also make her feel loved and appreciated by you. 12
Try to be creative and include metaphors or poetic language to make her feel special. For example, you could say: “Your eyes are like the stars shining bright in the sky” or “Your strength and courage are an inspiration to me.” Men who use metaphoric language to give compliments are often seen as more romantic and intelligent, so this is a great way to make a good impression on your girlfriend as well. 13
5. Show her your support
Your girlfriend may have goals and ambitions that she’s working towards, and one of the best ways you can show her your support is by being interested in and involved in her pursuits. Providing support to a romantic partner has been linked with better mental and physical health and goal implementation and attainment activities in everyday life. 14 15
This could mean going to her art show or cheering her on at her running race. Or, it could simply mean listening to her vent about a challenging project at work or offering advice when she’s feeling stuck. Showing your girlfriend that you’re supportive of her goals and dreams is a great way to make her feel happy and loved.
6. Practice active listening
The key to any happy and healthy relationship is effective communication, and one of the best ways to communicate effectively is by practicing active listening. This means really paying attention to what your girlfriend is saying and being engaged in the conversation.
Active listening involves restating what your girlfriend has said to you to ensure that you’ve understood her correctly, asking probing questions to show that you’re interested, and making eye contact to show that you’re engaged in the conversation. 16
When you practice active listening, you’re showing your girlfriend that you value her thoughts and opinions and are interested in hearing what she has to say. Good listeners often have more satisfying interactions and relationships so this is a great way to make your girlfriend happy. 17
7. Give her a thoughtful gift
One of the best ways to show your girlfriend that you care about her is to give her a thoughtful gift. It doesn’t have to be expensive – a small token of your affection, like a piece of jewelry, a bouquet of flowers, or a handwritten note, can be just as meaningful. If you can afford it, you could also give her a more practical gift like a lovely handbag or a piece of tech she’s been wanting. Pricey gifts are often seen as a signal to commit long-term as well, so this could be an excellent way to show her that you’re serious about your relationship. 18
Of course, what’s important is that you put some thought into the gift and make sure it’s something that she’ll really appreciate. Try to avoid giving her something that you think she should or would like – instead, focus on finding something uniquely suited to her interests and personality.
8. Seek compassion and understanding
When we’re stressed or feeling down, we tend to lash out at those closest to us. However, it’s important to remember that your girlfriend is likely going through her challenges and struggles, just like you are.
If you can be compassionate and understanding towards her, even when she’s at her worst, it’ll go a long way in making her feel happy and loved. Individuals in romantic relationships who endure stress caused by their partner are seen as more committed and satisfied with their relationship, so this is a great way to strengthen your bond. 19
Try to see things from her perspective and offer support and encouragement when she’s going through a tough time. This could involve offering a shoulder to cry on, listening to her vent, or simply being there for her when she needs you.
9. Send her songs
Music is an important part of many people’s lives and identities, and can be a great way to connect with your girlfriend on a deeper level. 20 Listening to music is argued to promote psychological well-being, so sending her songs that you think she’ll enjoy could be a great way to make her happy. 21
You could create a playlist of her favorite songs or send her a meaningful song and explain why it matters to you. You could also send her a song that reminds you of her or that makes you think of her when you hear it.
Intimate couples who have a particular song or couple-defining song (CDS) that’s special to their relationship are thought to have higher levels of intimacy in their relationship, so this is a great way to show her how much you care. 22
If you are looking for ideas on how to treat your special lady, check out this collection of cute things to do for your girlfriend.
10. Hold her hand
One of the simplest yet most effective ways to make your girlfriend happy is to simply hold her hand. This sweet gesture can significantly impact her happiness, both in the moment and in the long term.
Physical touch is known to promote intimacy and affiliation, and hand-holding in particular, is currently being looked at as a promising add-on intervention during conflicts in couple therapy. 23 24 So, if you and your girlfriend are going through a tough patch, holding her hand could help to reduce negative emotions and promote positive ones.
Even if you’re not going through a tough time, holding hands can still be a great way to show your affection and make her feel loved. Make sure to do it in a way that feels comfortable and natural for both of you – there’s no need to force it if neither of you is into public displays of affection.
11. Plan a romantic night in
There’s nothing quite like a romantic night to make your girlfriend feel special and loved. You could cook her dinner, massage her, watch her favorite movie, or simply spend quality time together without distractions.
The important thing is that you make an effort to create a romantic and intimate atmosphere. This could involve dimming the lights, lighting some candles, or playing soft music in the background.
Making an effort to plan a romantic night in will show her how much you care and appreciate her, and it’s bound to put a smile on her face. A romantic night in can have a positive impact on your relationship after the event, such as improved communication and an increase in affection and gratitude. 25
These are just a few tips on how to make your girlfriend happy. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution, so it’s important to tailor your approach to your girlfriend’s individual needs and preferences. With a little thought and effort, you’ll probably be able to come up with plenty more ways to make her smile.
Things to say to your girlfriend

Dale Carnegie, a well-known American author, once said, “your words are like the corners of your mouth: they turn up, they remain straight, or they turn down.” This means that depending on the words we use and how we convey them, we can change the way people perceive us. 26
The same goes for our loved ones. The words we use are vital in how they make us feel. Therefore, if we want to make our girlfriend happy, we should pay attention to the things we do for her and the language we use when communicating with her.
Words have the power to make your girlfriend feel loved, appreciated, and valued. Here are a few things you could say to your girlfriend to make her happy.
1. “I’m so grateful to be with you.”
Showing your girlfriend gratitude is a great way to make her feel loved and appreciated. Practicing to focus on the good in your life, your relationship in particular, rather than on the negative has been linked with increased feelings of well-being, and it will make your girlfriend feel happy to know that she’s one of the things you’re grateful for. 27
So, let her know that you’re grateful for all the little things she does for you, and express your appreciation for having her in your life. Not only will this make her feel good, but it will also make you feel more positive about your relationship.
2. “I’m always here for you.”
Sometimes, all your girlfriend needs is to know that she can rely on you – that you’re there for her when she needs you. Knowing she has someone she can count on in her time of need will make her feel happy, safe, and loved.
The amount and quality of social support we receive have been linked with our mental and physical health, so it’s important to be there for your girlfriend when she needs you. 28 Whether she’s going through a tough time or she just needs a shoulder to cry on, let her know that you’re there for her.
3. “I love you, just the way you are.”
Accepting your girlfriend for who she is – flaws and all – is one of the best things you can do for her. Acceptance in relationships has been linked with increased satisfaction and intimacy, so it’s clear that this is an important ingredient for a happy relationship. 29
It’s human nature to want to be loved and accepted for who we are, and your girlfriend is probably no different. Let her know that you love her, just the way she is. Tell her that you appreciate all the unique qualities that make her who she is and that you wouldn’t want her to be any other way.
4. “When I’m with you, I feel happy/loved/safe/etc.”
Telling your girlfriend how she makes you feel is a great way to let her know that she’s important to you and that she has a positive impact on your life. It will also give her a sense of satisfaction and make her feel happy to know that she brings joy into your life.
So, the next time you feel grateful for your girlfriend, let her know. Tell her how much she means to you and how happy she makes you feel. She’s sure to appreciate the sentiment.
5. “Thank you for being you.”
This is similar to expressing gratitude for having your girlfriend in your life, but it’s worth mentioning separately. Just as we all like to feel appreciated, we also like to feel valued for who we are.
Therefore, telling your girlfriend that you value her – that you appreciate her for being who she is – is a great way to make her feel happy. It will show her that you see her as more than just a girlfriend; you see her as a unique individual with her own particular set of qualities, which is something to be treasured.
6. “I’m sorry.”
Admitting when you’re wrong and apologizing for your mistakes is an important part of any relationship. It shows that you’re willing to take responsibility for your actions and are committed to making things right. When done right, apologies can increase trust and reduce anger and the desire for revenge. 30
Of course, no one is perfect, and even the best relationships will go through rough patches. So, if you’ve hurt your girlfriend or let her down somehow, don’t be afraid to say you’re sorry. A sincere apology will go a long way towards making things right and making your girlfriend feel happy again.
7. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
When your girlfriend knows that she can rely on you – that you’re there for her no matter what – it will make her feel happy and loved. It’s important to be there for your partner when they need you, and letting them know you’re always there for them is a great way to show your support.
Emotional support is essential to any relationship, but it’s especially important during tough times. Low perceived emotional support has been linked with higher immortality rates among elderly women, so it’s vital to be there for your girlfriend when she needs you. 31
You’ll probably find that your girlfriend is there for you just as much as you are. But if she ever feels like she’s not getting the support she needs from you, let her know that you’re always there for her, no matter what.
8. “The only place I ever want to be is with you.”
Spending time with your girlfriend should be enjoyable, and letting her know that you enjoy being with her is a great way to make her feel happy. It will show her that you value your time together and that you’re not just with her because you have to be.
Of course, having hobbies and interests outside of your relationship is essential, but it’s also important to make time for your partner. 8 So, if you’re ever feeling like you’d rather be doing something else, make sure to let your girlfriend know that you’d rather be with her. She’s sure to appreciate the sentiment.
9. “I love you.”
Of course, this is the most obvious way to make your girlfriend happy, but it’s worth mentioning anyway. Telling your girlfriend that you love her – and meaning it – is the best way to make her feel happy and loved.
Saying “I love you” is a great way to show your girlfriend how much she means to you, but it’s important to back up your words with action. Show your girlfriend how much you love her by spending time together, listening to her, and being there when she needs you.
10. “Nothing is as much fun as it is when you’re there doing it with me.”
Participating in activities together is a great way to show your girlfriend that you enjoy spending time with her. Especially when you’re in a long-term committed relationship, such as marriage, spending more time engaged in activities together can increase your relationship satisfaction. 32
So, if you’re ever stuck for things to do, why not suggest doing something together? It’s a great way to show your girlfriend that you enjoy her company and are always happy when you’re with her.
11. “I adore you.”
Similar to “I love you,” telling your girlfriend that you adore her is a great way to show her how much she means to you. Many self-help books talk about the importance of admiration and adoration in the development and growth of a human’s personality, and that admiration can be a source of happiness besides being a valuable teacher. 33 34 So, it’s no surprise that telling your girlfriend that you admire her is a great way to make her feel happy.
Admiration differs from love, so it’s important to ensure that you’re showing your girlfriend love and affection. While love is more focused on the emotional connection between two people, admiration is more focused on the physical and mental qualities of the person you admire. So, if you want to make your girlfriend truly happy, be sure to tell her not only that you love her but also that you admire her.
Looking for more cute things to say? Here are romantic quotes, sweet messages, and adorable pick-up lines you can say to your special girl.
Words can have a powerful effect on people’s emotions, so it’s important to choose them carefully when trying to make your girlfriend happy. Try saying the phrases above the next time you want to show your girlfriend how much you care about her and make her feel loved and appreciated. Be thoughtful and sincere, and she’s sure to feel happier in no time.
8 paragraphs for your girlfriend

Often, in relationships, we can get so wrapped up in the whirlwind of love that we forget to stop and tell our partners how much they mean to us. Or, sometimes, we think that a couple of words are all it takes to show how we feel. But sometimes, our partners need a little more than that.
If you’re looking for ways to make your girlfriend happier, why not try using your words? Below are paragraphs you can say to your girlfriend to make her feel loved and appreciated.
Send them in a text, say them in person, or even write them on a card – however you tell them, she’s sure to appreciate the thought behind them.
1. “I chose you, and I’ll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you. There is no one else for me.”
This paragraph can perfectly sum up how you feel about your girlfriend. It shows that you’re committed to her and will always choose her, no matter what. It’s a beautiful declaration of love that is sure to make your girlfriend feel happy and loved.
In relationships, you’ll naturally encounter bumps and disagreements that can test your commitment. But if you can look past those times and still choose your partner, it’s a sure sign that you’re in it for the long haul. Telling her that you’ll always choose her, no matter what can make your girlfriend feel secure in your relationship.
2. “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. You make me feel alive, happy, and free. My life has meaning with you in it.”
When in a relationship, we try to put our best foot forward and be the best versions of ourselves. This creates a discrepancy between who we are and who we want to be, which can negatively impact how we view ourselves. 35 36 It’s important to have someone in our lives who makes us feel good about ourselves and helps us expand and grow as individuals. 37
This paragraph shows your girlfriend that you love the person you have become with her. It’s a beautiful way to show that your relationship brings out the best in you and makes you happier than you ever thought possible. So, if you want to make your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated, let her know that she brings out the best in you.
3. “Being with you inspires me to be a better person. I want to be someone you can be proud of, and I am grateful to have you in my life. No matter what challenges life throws my way, I know that as long as we’re together, I can face anything.”
This paragraph is similar to the one above but focuses on the future. It shows that your girlfriend does not only inspire you to be a better person but that you’re also grateful for her presence in your life. Individuals who have the self-determination to grow and have a positive outlook tend to have more satisfying relationships. 38
So, if you want to make your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated, let her know that she inspires you to be better and that you’re grateful to have her by your side. This is a touching way to show how much she means to you and that you care about her.
4. “Thank you for being by my side and sharing your life with me. I know that we don’t always see eye to eye, but I cherish our relationship more than you can imagine. I love you, and we’ll always figure it out together.”
Conflicts are a normal part of our interactions in our social relationships. It’s how you resolve these conflicts that can be a central predictor of the quality and maintenance of your romantic relationships, so it’s important to have a partner who is willing to work through them with you. 39
This paragraph lets your girlfriend know you’re grateful for her presence in your life, even when things are tough. It’s a touching way to show how much you care about her and appreciate her willingness to work through problems with you. This is sure to make your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated, especially if you know how she recovers from these arguments or fights - a huge determinant of relationship satisfaction. 40
5. “I don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve been my rock during tough times and my reason to celebrate during the good times. I’ll always be there for you, just like you’ve been there for me.”
We all need someone to lean on during tough times, and it’s even better when that someone is our romantic partner. Having a supportive partner can help you weather difficulties and lead you towards growth and improvement. 41
Using this paragraph, you can show your girlfriend how much she means to you and how important her support has been in your life. This is a beautiful way to show how much you appreciate her and to let her know that you’ll always be there.
6. “I keep falling in love with you every day. I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love you, but somehow, you keep winning my heart over and over again. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us together.”
This is a wonderful way to show your girlfriend how much she means to you and how your love for her only seems to grow stronger over time. It’s a beautiful way to express your feelings and to let her know that you can’t wait to see what the future holds for your relationship.
As your relationship progresses, it’s only natural for you to hope that things only get better and better. By expressing this sentiment to your girlfriend, you’re showing her how much you care about her and the relationship, and how excited you are to see what the future has in store for both of you.
7. “You’re my best friend. I can’t imagine my life without you, my loyal and trusted partner. You’re the one I tell my secrets to, the one I share my dreams with. You mean everything to me.”
This is a beautiful way to show your girlfriend how much she means to you and how much you rely on her as a best friend. Although the topic of friends-first initiation to relationships remains relatively unexplored compared to the most common love-at-first-sight scenarios, there’s something to be said for the idea of being best friends with your romantic partner, and is surprisingly a preferred way to enter into a relationship for many people. 42 43
After all, friends are the people we rely on and confide in when things get tough, so it only makes sense that these qualities would also be present in a romantic relationship. If your girlfriend is your best friend, then this paragraph is the perfect way to show her how much you cherish her and the friendship you share.
8. “In this universe, there’s an infinite number of ways our lives could have unfolded - but out of all those possibilities, I’m so grateful that you and I ended up together. It feels like we were meant to be, and I can’t imagine my life without you by my side.”
This is a sweet way of telling your girlfriend that you believe you were meant to be together. In an infinite number of universes and infinite ways your lives could have played out, it’s amazing that you and your girlfriend ended up together.
It’s a beautiful way to show her how much you cherish your relationship and how grateful you are to have her in your life. This paragraph can also express your hope that you’ll be together for many years to come.
No matter which paragraph you choose, your girlfriend will surely appreciate its sentiment. She’ll be touched by your words and the time and effort you put into making her feel loved and appreciated. Remember that the most important thing is to be genuine - your girlfriend will be able to sense whether or not your words are coming from a place of honest emotion, so make sure they’re truly reflective of how you feel.
Want to know more? When you can’t be there in the flesh, these are other great paragraphs to show her that she’s very much on your mind.
If you’re looking for the perfect way to show your girlfriend how much you care, look no further than these cute paragraphs for your girlfriend.
How to make your girlfriend feel special on her birthday

Birthdays have long been considered special days to celebrate, and there’s no doubt your girlfriend deserves all the love and attention on her birthday. It is argued that significant life events, like birthdays, aid us in comprehending the natural cyclical processes and are essential celebrations of passage in society. 44 So, it’s only suitable that we make a big deal out of the people we love on their special day!
Your girlfriend has probably been looking forward to her birthday for months, so try to make it extra special. You can do a couple of things to make your girlfriend feel loved and appreciated on her big day.
Romantic birthday wishes for girlfriend
One of the few things that can make your girlfriend feel extra special on her birthday is receiving a heartfelt and romantic message from you. Whether you opt to write her a letter, a card, or simply send her a text, make sure that your words come from the heart.
Your message doesn’t have to be long or overly complicated - sometimes, the most straightforward statements are the most effective. Just take a moment to think about all the things you love about your girlfriend and put them into words. Here are a few examples.
1. “Happy birthday, my love. You mean everything to me, and I’m grateful to have you in my life. I hope you have a day that’s as wonderful as you are.”
This is a short but sweet message that’s sure to make your girlfriend smile. It expresses your love for her and lets her know how grateful you are to have her in your life.
You’re also wishing her a day that’s as wonderful as she is, sure to touch her heart. This is an excellent message for girlfriends who are celebrating their birthday during a difficult time or who might be feeling a little down.
2. “You look more beautiful every day, and you shine even brighter on your birthday. You deserve nothing but the best on your special day.”
Complimenting your girlfriend’s beauty is always a nice way to make her feel special, and she deserves to hear it even more on her birthday. You’ll be reminding her that she shines bright - something she might need to be reminded of on a day when she’s feeling a little down.
This message is also a great way to let her know that you think she deserves nothing but the best on her big day. She’ll appreciate the sentiment and feel loved and cared for.
3. “I don’t need a special day to remind me how much I love you - I think about you all the time. But since it’s your birthday, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you mean to me.”
Reminders of love have been associated with creative and analytical thinking, so letting your girlfriend know that you’re thinking of her on her birthday is bound to put a smile on her face. 45
It’s also an excellent way to tell her that you don’t need a special day to remind you of your love for her - she’s always on your mind. She’ll appreciate the sentiment and feel loved and appreciated.
4. “Sending you lots of love on your birthday. Your friends, family, and I all think you’re amazing, and we hope you have a birthday that’s as wonderful as you are.”
A simple but effective message, this one is sure to make your girlfriend smile. It’s a fantastic way to tell her that she’s loved and appreciated by everyone in her life - something that’s bound to make her feel special on her big day.
If you’re friendly with her friends and family, you could even include a personal message from them in your card or text. Connecting to her loved ones and social relationships will make your message more special and meaningful. 46
5. “You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope your birthday is just the beginning of a happy year to come.”
Happiness is essential to our relationships and well-being, so wishing your girlfriend happiness on her birthday is bound to make her feel loved. 47 You’re not only expressing your love for her on her big day, but you’re also setting the tone for a happy year to come.
There’s no better way to show your girlfriend how much you care than by wishing her happiness and a bright future. She’s sure to appreciate the sentiment and feel loved and cared for.
6. “We are so lucky to have you in our lives. You make the world a better place just by being in it, and we hope you know that on your birthday. You deserve all the good things life offers, and that’s what we wish for you.”
This message is all about appreciation. You’re expressing how lucky you feel to have your girlfriend in your life and how she makes the world a better place. It’s a beautiful sentiment that’s bound to make her feel special on her big day, and appreciating someone important to you never goes out of style - it has even been linked to positive emotional responses and may increase well-being. 48
You’re also wishing her all the good things life has to offer - something that’s sure to make her feel loved and cared for. Whether it’s a new job, a raise, or simply good health, you’re wishing her nothing but happiness and success.
7. “Many happy returns on your special day, my love. We hope you have a birthday that’s as amazing as you are.”
This is a classic birthday message that’s perfect for any girlfriend. It’s simple but effective and a great way to show your love and appreciation for her. You’re wishing her a happy birthday and expressing your hope that she has a day that’s as wonderful as she is.
It’s a sentiment sure to make her feel loved and appreciated, and it’s a great way to show her how much you care. Whether you include it in a card or text, she’s sure to appreciate the thought and feel loved on her big day.
8. “Sweetheart, I will never be tired of loving you. You’re my reason for everything, and I hope you know that on your birthday. Here’s to a wonderful day and an even more amazing year to come.”
This is it if you’re looking for a message full of love and appreciation. You’re expressing your never-ending love for your girlfriend and telling her that she’s your reason for everything.
The longer you are in a relationship, the more critical it becomes to express your passion and commitment - the two of the three main components of love - to one another. 49 This message does just that, and it’s sure to make your girlfriend feel loved on her big day.
On your girlfriend’s birthday, take the opportunity to show her how much you care and how important she is to you. A simple but heartfelt message is sure to do the trick, and it’s a great way to show her how much you love her. Try one of these messages to get started.
Frequently asked questions about how to make your girlfriend happy

1. When is national girlfriend day?
If you’ve been wondering when national girlfriend day is, the answer is August 1st. Though the celebration for this special day may vary depending on who you ask, the consensus is that it’s a day to celebrate the women in our lives - whether they’re our girlfriends, wives, sisters, or friends.
This is also a day when women can celebrate each other - as this day is all about women supporting and empowering one another. Whether you celebrate with a special dinner, a night out on the town, or simply by sending a heartfelt message to your loved ones, national girlfriend day is an excellent opportunity to show the remarkable women in your life how much you care.
2. How can you make your girlfriend feel special?
The answer to this question will vary depending on your girlfriend and what she likes, so it’s important to consider her personality and preferences. However, you can do some general things to make any girlfriend feel special.
For one, you can make a point of always being there for her when she needs you. Whether she’s going through a tough time or needs someone to talk to, being a supportive and understanding partner is always a great way to make her feel special. 41
You can also try doing something thoughtful for her, like taking her on a special date or getting her a small gift that you know she’ll love. Something that’s personalized and heartfelt is sure to make her feel loved and appreciated. Especially if her love language is receiving gifts, this is a great way to make her feel special. 10
Finally, simply telling her how much you love and appreciate her is a great way to make her feel special. Say it in person, write her a letter, or send her a text - any way that you can express your love is sure to make her feel special and loved.
- Boundaries in Dating: How Healthy Choices Grow Healthy Relationships
- Love in Every Season: Understanding the Four Stages of Every Healthy Relationship
- Love More, Fight Less: Communication Skills Every Couple Needs: A Relationship Workbook for Couples
- Infidelity Recovery Workbook for Couples: Tools and Exercises to Rebuild Your Relationship
- Healthy Me, Healthy Us: Your Relationships Are Only as Strong as You Are
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