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Sometimes it’s hard to tell if your husband is just being nice or if he’s actually trying to show you how much he cares. If you have a very romantic partner, they might be more inclined to show their love through grand gestures. But if your partner is more subdued, you’ll have to look for other signs that they have true feelings for you.
Did you know that there are many different ways how people show and want to receive love? Find out more in our guide on Love Languages!
Here are 13 signs that your husband loves you, even if he doesn’t say it out loud very often:
1. He goes out of his way to do things for you

Happy marriages are all about giving and taking, and if your husband is always willing to put your needs first, it’s a sign that he’s truly in love with you. If he’s always going out of his way to make sure you’re happy, it’s a pretty clear indication that he loves you and wants to see you smile. 1
So, if your husband is always going the extra mile to make sure you’re happy, there’s a good chance that he’s madly in love with you!
2. He makes an effort to spend time with you
Spending quality time together keeps the marriage healthy. Our lives are so busy these days, and it’s easy to let work or other commitments get in the way of our relationship. But if your husband is always making efforts to spend time with you, it’s a good sign that he values your marriage and wants to keep the spark alive. 2
Whether it’s planning regular date nights, taking a weekend away together, or just spending some time chatting over a cup of coffee, making time for each other is crucial in any marriage. If your husband is always trying to find ways to spend more time with you, it’s an obvious sign that he loves you and wants to keep the flame burning.
3. He listens to you
If your husband is always tuned in to what you’re saying, it’s a sign that he cares about you and your opinions. He might not always agree with you, but the fact that he’s willing to listen and consider your point of view shows that he cares about your thoughts and feelings. 2
In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel like they can express themselves without judgment or criticism, and if your husband is always open to hearing you out, it’s a sign that he loves and respects you.
4. He’s supportive

A husband who is truly in love with his partner will be their biggest cheerleader. He’ll be there to support her through thick and thin, and he’ll always be ready to lend a shoulder to cry on. He’ll give you advice if you ask for it, but he’ll also know when to just listen. 3
Married couples should be each other’s biggest fans, and if your husband is always cheering you on, it’s a sign that he loves you and wants to see you succeed.
5. He shows his love in little ways
Sometimes the most important indicator of love is the little things. For example, does he surprise you with your favorite coffee in the morning, or does things for you when you’re feeling stressed? These small acts of kindness show that he’s always thinking about you and wants to make your life a little easier.
Even if your husband doesn’t show his emotions very often, these little gestures can be a clear sign that he cares about you deeply. In relationships, it’s often the little things that mean the most.
6. He communicates with you
The key to successful relationships is effective communication. If your husband is always open and honest with you, it’s a sign that he trusts you and values your relationship. He knows that he can come to you with anything, big or small, and he knows that you’ll always be there to listen. 4
A lack of communication often leads to an unhappy marriage because it creates a feeling of distance between the partners. To be happy and make your partner happy, you need to be able to communicate freely and openly. If your husband is always communicating with you, it’s a sign that he loves you and wants your marriage to thrive.
7. He makes an effort to keep the romance alive

If your husband always tries to make time for romance, it’s a sign that he still cares about you and finds you attractive. Romance doesn’t have to be grand gestures or expensive gifts; it can simply be little things like cooking dinner together or taking a walk in the park.
Relationship experts will approve that romance is essential in any marriage, and if your husband still invests consistent effort trying to woo you after all these years, it’s a sign that he’s madly in love with you.
8. He makes you laugh
A happy couple is a laughing couple. Laughing is not only good for your relationship; it’s also great for your mental health. If your husband always knows how to make you laugh, it’s a sign that he enjoys your company and wants you to be happy. 5
In relationships, laughter is often said to be the best medicine, and if your husband is always cracking jokes and making you laugh, it means that he loves spending time with you and wants to keep the spark alive.
9. He shows affection to you in public
A husband who loves his partner will often show them affection in public. He’ll put his arm around you, hold your hand, or give you a quick kiss in front of others. He’s not afraid to show the world that he cares about you and wants everyone to know that you’re together. 6
Some people are more private than others when it comes to displays of affection, but if your husband is always comfortable showing you off to the world, it’s a sign that he’s proud to be with you and wants everyone to know it.
10. He takes care of you when you are sick

When you’re under the weather, your husband should be there to take care of you. He’ll bring you soup, run errands for you, or stay home with you so you can rest. He knows what you need when you’re not feeling well, and he’s always there to help. This is a sign that he loves you and wants you to get better as soon as possible. 1
Not everyone enjoys taking care of sick people, but if your husband is always willing to lend a helping hand, it’s a sign that he cares about you and wants you to be healthy and happy.
11. He shows interest in things that matter to you
Your husband should be interested in the things that matter to you. He’ll ask you about your day, listen to you vent about your boss, or offer to help you with a project you’re working on. He knows what’s important to you, and he wants to be involved in your life.
Even if he’s not particularly interested in the things that you’re passionate about, he should at least show some interest and try to understand why they matter to you. This is a sign that he cares about you and your interests and that he wants to make an effort to connect with you on a deeper level.
12. He’s willing to compromise
In any relationship, there will be times when you have to compromise. It’s an especially important part of a marriage when two people have to learn to work together and accommodate each other’s needs. If your husband is always willing to compromise, it’s a sign that he loves you and wants your marriage to succeed.
He knows that marriage is all about give-and-take, and he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that both of you are happy. This is a sign of a true partner who wants to build a lasting relationship with you.
13. He misses you when you’re apart

If your husband always misses you when you’re apart, it’s a sign that he loves you. He’ll text or call you during the day, he’ll ask how your day is going, and he’ll count down the days until you’re back together again.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a life of his own, but it does mean that he enjoys your company and can’t stand being apart from you for too long. This is a sign of a strong and healthy relationship.
There are much more signs your husband loves you than what is written here, but these are just some of the most common and important ones. If your husband exhibits most or all of these behaviors, then it’s safe to say that he truly loves you and wants your marriage to succeed.
However, if you want to be sure, why not just ask him? After all, the best way to know how someone feels is to just ask them directly.
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