Leaving cute love notes for your boyfriend is a great way to show him your love. By taking the time to write a handwritten love note, you can let him know that you’re thinking of him, even when you’re not able to be there with him. Gestures like these are a simple way to maintain intimacy in a relationship, especially if your boyfriend’s love language is words of affirmation. In fact, catering to your partner’s love language, or the way they prefer to receive love, is one of the best things you can do for your relationship and can hugely contribute to relationship satisfaction. 1
Make it a habit to leave your boyfriend a cute note every now and then. It doesn’t have to be anything long or sappy, just a simple message letting him know that you’re thinking of him. Here are some great ideas for sweet notes to leave your boyfriend that will brighten up his day.
Looking for ways to keep your man happy? Check out these tips on how to make your boyfriend happy and have a successful relationship.
10 sweet notes for your boyfriend

If you’re looking for an easy way to make your man feel special, surprise him with one of these adorable messages. You can even get creative with your notes by hiding them in unexpected places, like his lunch box or wallet. No matter where you leave them, he’s sure to appreciate your thoughtful gesture!
1. You’re the Yin to my Yang. (Draw a Yin and Yang symbol on the note)
Romantic relationships are often formed by partners who complement each other and fill in each other’s gaps. 2 If this is the case for you and your boyfriend, let him know with this cute note! Plus, it’s a fun doodle to include with your note!
2. Never forget how much I love you!
The sensations of feeling loved and being told “I love you” can be addicting, so make sure your boyfriend never goes without hearing those three special words from you! This cute note is a great way to remind him of your love, even when you’re not around. 3
3. I hope you have a great day!
What’s better than starting the day off with a positive message from the one you love? This simple note will let your boyfriend know that you’re thinking of him and wishing him a great day. You can even include a little heart doodle for extra cuteness!
4. You’re my favorite person in the world!
That’s such a sweet note for your boyfriend! He’s sure to feel loved and appreciated when he reads this. You can even personalize it by adding in a reason why he’s your favorite person. For example, “You’re my favorite person in the world because you always make me laugh!”
5. Hey, you! I just wanted to remind you that I love you!
Telling your partner that you love him is always a good idea! Reminders of love are thought to facilitate analytic and creative thinking, so not only will this note make your boyfriend feel good, but it might also help him out the next time he’s stuck on a problem at work! 4
6. I love you as much as XYZ! (fill in the blank with something you love)
Reframing your compliments in a way that makes them unique to your relationship is always a good idea to establish security. 5 This note does just that by letting your boyfriend know that you love him as much as something else that’s important to you. For example, “I love you as much as my dog!” or “I love you as much as ice cream!”
7. I love you this much! (Draw a stick figure with its arms stretched out as wide as possible)
Adding drawings to your notes is a great way to add a personal touch. This one is sure to make your boyfriend smile! Plus, it’s a visual representation of just how much you love him.
8. You’re my favorite human!
What a cute note! This is a great way to remind your boyfriend that he’s your favorite person in the world. Spice it up by adding in a reason why he’s your favorite human. For example, “You’re my favorite human because you always make me feel so loved!”
9. Hugs and kisses! (Draw a stick figure hugging a heart)
You don’t have to be an artist to add a little drawing to your note! Drawings like this one are sure to put a smile on your boyfriend’s face. It’s a sweet way to let him know you’re thinking of him when you’re not around.
10. My favorite place is inside your hug!
That’s an adorable note for your boyfriend! He’s sure to appreciate the sentiment, and it’s a great way to let him know you’re missing his hugs. You can even add in a little doodle of a hug for extra cuteness!
10 happy notes for your boyfriend

Surprise your boyfriend with these happy notes in the morning! He’s sure to appreciate the gesture, and it will start his day off on a positive note. You can stick it to the bathroom mirror or slip it into his coat pocket. No matter where you leave them, he’s sure to be thrilled!
1. You got this! I believe in you!
This is a great way to let your boyfriend know that you support him. Receiving support from your partner can increase relationship satisfaction and facilitate self-improvement, so leave this note for him before he heads off to a big meeting or presentation. 6 He’s sure to appreciate the encouragement!
2. Good morning sunshine! (Add a drawing of a sun)
Wishing your boyfriend a good morning is a great way to start his day off right. He’s sure to appreciate this sweet note. You can even add in a little doodle to personalize it!
3. You’re amazing! Never forget that!
While self-affirmations help to increase relationship satisfaction, hearing them from your partner can have an even bigger impact. 7 This cute note will boost his confidence and remind him how much you appreciate him.
4. Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.
A beautiful quote to remind your boyfriend that even on tough days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Optimism is often associated with a higher quality of life and is further strengthened by social support, so this note is sure to make your boyfriend feel good! 8
5. Rise up and shine! The world is waiting for you!
Who doesn’t love getting a motivational message in the morning? It’s the perfect way to start the day off on the right foot, and it’ll certainly make your boyfriend smile. When you start your day with a positive attitude, you’re more likely to have a productive day. 9
6. Just keep swimming!
Do you remember that line from Finding Nemo? Well, it’s definitely applicable here! Whenever your boyfriend is feeling down or overwhelmed, this note will remind him to keep going and to never give up.
7. Thank you for XYZ. (Insert something your boyfriend did for you)
You can never thank your boyfriend enough for all that he does for you. Whether he made you breakfast in bed or simply held the door open for you, this is a great way to let him know that you appreciate his thoughtfulness.
8. Keep your head up! You’re doing great!
Let your boyfriend know that you believe in him and his ability to achieve whatever goals he’s set for himself. This is a great way to encourage him when he’s feeling down or doubting himself. You’ll help to increase his confidence and remind him that he’s not alone in this.
9. Good job! I’m proud of you!
When your boyfriend accomplishes something, be sure to let him know how proud you are of him! Words of encouragement can hugely impact someone’s motivation, and your boyfriend is sure to appreciate knowing that you’re behind him all the way. 10
10. Today is going to be a great day! I can feel it!
Everybody could use a little optimism in their lives, and your boyfriend is no exception. Leave him this note to remind him that no matter what the day brings, it’s going to be a good one. You never know, your positive attitude might just be contagious!
10 funny love notes for your boyfriend

Make your boyfriend laugh with these 10 funny notes! Couples who share a sense of humor are more likely to marry and have satisfactory relationships, so leave him one of these before you head out for your date night. 11
1. You’re one in a melon! 🍉
A fun note to let your boyfriend know how much you appreciate him! Make him smile with this punny little doodle. This is a great way to start his day off on a positive note.
2. Bee positive! 🐝
This note is sure to make your boyfriend smile and giggle - and it’s a great reminder to always look on the bright side! Encourage your boyfriend to bee positive with this cute little reminder.
3. Please take out the trash. It’s full. I love you!
A funny but practical note for your boyfriend. If he’s been procrastinating on taking out the trash, this will give him a lighthearted nudge to get it done. Plus, it’ll let him know that you care about him and his wellbeing.
4. You’re the best thing since sliced bread! 🍞
That’s quite a compliment - and it’s sure to make your boyfriend laugh! This will make him feel loved and appreciated, and it’s a great way to start his day. Especially if you add a drawing of a slice of bread to drive the point home.
5. Your hugs trap me like a fly in a window.
What a unique way to confess your love to your partner. This note is sure to make your boyfriend laugh, and it’ll let him know just how much you appreciate his hugs and physical affection.
6. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly!
Mhhhh… this note is sure to make your boyfriend’s mouth water! A classic PB&J sandwich is a staple in most households, and this note is a fun way to let your boyfriend know that he’s just as important to you as this delicious sandwich.
7. I love you more than coffee! ☕️
If you’re a coffee addict, this is the perfect way to let your boyfriend know how much you love him! Personalizing your compliments like this will make them that much more special to your partner. They can also increase your boyfriend’s self-esteem and make him feel good about himself. 5
8. You + me = ❤️
A short but sweet note to let your boyfriend know how you feel. This is a great way to remind him that you’re always thinking of you and him together - no matter what you’re doing or where you are.
9. Roses are red, violets are blue. The cat is my favorite, but you’re okay too.
If you’re looking for a funny but sweet note for your boyfriend, this is the perfect one! This will let him know that even though he may not be your favorite, you still love and appreciate him. You can even add that your cat likes him too!
10. I love you from my head tomatoes! 🍅
Who doesn’t love dad jokes? This note is sure to make your boyfriend laugh, and it’s a great way to show your love for him. Plus, it’s a cute and punny way to let him know that you’re thinking of him.
There you have it, 30 cute notes for your boyfriend! We hope you enjoyed this list and that it gave you some inspiration on what to write for your own love note. No matter what you end up writing, we’re sure your boyfriend will appreciate the thoughtfulness and effort you put into it!
- Love: The Psychology of Attraction: A Practical Guide to Successful Dating and a Happy Relationship
- Single, Dating, Engaged, Married: Navigating Life and Love in the Modern Age
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- Communication and Relationship: A Guide to Deeper Connection, Trust and Intimacy to Improve Communication and Strengthen Your Bond as a Couple
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