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It doesn’t matter if the cheating partner is a woman, man or non-binary. The personality traits of a cheating partner can apply to any gender.
In relationships, we often like to think that our partner would never cheat on us. But the truth is, anyone can be a cheater, and cheating is a common red flag in a relationship.
The following list contains common traits that cheaters tend to have:
1. They are distant and emotionally unavailable

One warning sign that your partner may be a cheater is if they are generally distant and emotionally unavailable. In a committed relationship, this behavior can be especially concerning, as it may indicate that your partner is not interested or invested in the relationship.
Keep in mind that everyone has their own way of expressing themselves, and some people may simply need more space than others. However, if you notice that your partner is consistently distant and doesn’t seem to want to be close to you, it could be a sign that something is wrong.
2. They are flirting with other people
Another suspicious behavior is if they are constantly flirting with other people, even when you’re around. This behavior can be a red flag, as it may indicate that your partner is not satisfied with the current relationship and is looking for attention elsewhere.
If you notice that your partner is flirting with other people, try to talk to them about it and see how they respond. If they are dismissive or make excuses, it could be a sign that they are not interested in addressing the issue.
3. They are always working or busy
Cheaters seem to always be busy or working. If you feel like you’re the only one making an effort in the relationship, it could be a sign that your partner is not as invested as they should be. And in the worst case, they may be using work as an excuse to cheat.
If your partner is always busy or working, try to talk to them about it and see how they respond. If they get defensive or make excuses, it could be a sign that they are not interested in addressing the issue.
4. They are secretive about their phone and computer usage

This is a common behavior in cheating partners. They may avoid leaving their phone around you or logging into their computer in front of you. This is because they don’t want you to see the texts, calls, or emails from the person they are cheating with.
Of course, there may be innocent explanations for this behavior. Maybe your partner is just very privacy-minded. But if this is a sudden change and they are being especially secretive, it could be a sign of cheating.
5. There’s a lack of communication in the relationship
In a healthy relationship, communication is key. But in a relationship where one partner is cheating, there is often a lack of communication. This is because the cheater knows that if they start communicating more, they are more likely to get caught.
If you notice that your partner is not communicating with you as much as they used to, it could be a sign that they are hiding something.
6. They are thrill-seeking and have a need for constant excitement
Cheaters often have a need for constant excitement and adventure. This is because the act of cheating itself is exciting and gives them a rush.
If your partner is always seeking out new thrills and adventures, it could be a sign that they are not satisfied with the current relationship. It could also be a sign that they are not ready for a committed relationship. This is one of the more subtle signs on the list, but it’s still something to be aware of.
7. They have a problem with jealousy

This might seem ironic, but cheating partners often have a problem with jealousy. They may be jealous of your friends, family, or even co-workers. This is because they are insecure in the relationship and don’t trust you.
Because they are unfaithful, they assume that their partner is capable of the same thing. Trust is a key component of any relationship. If your partner is constantly jealous, ask yourself why and know that it could be a sign of cheating.
8. They have a habit of lying
Lying is another common behavior in cheaters. This is because they are constantly having to cover up their tracks and lie about where they’ve been and what they’re doing. If your partner has a habit of lying, it could be a sign that they are not being honest with you about something.
Without honesty, a relationship is built on a foundation of sand and is bound to crumble. If you can’t trust your partner, it’s time to have a serious talk about where things are going.
9. They show narcissistic tendencies
Narcissists are often cheating because they need validation and attention. If your partner is always needing to be the center of attention and always needing reassurance, it could be a sign that they are looking for that validation elsewhere.
Note that there’s a difference between a pathological narcissist and someone with narcissistic tendencies. So don’t accuse your partner of being a narcissist. Only a professional can make that diagnosis. But if your partner does show some narcissistic tendencies, it’s something to be aware of.
10. They’ve cheated before

This is not a characteristic but a fact. If your partner has cheated before, they are more likely to cheat again. This is because people who cheat tend to have a higher risk tolerance and are more likely to take risks in other areas of their life as well.
If your partner has cheated before, it’s important to have a serious discussion about monogamy and what it means to both of you. Otherwise, you’re setting yourself up for heartache down the road.
Are you looking for more hints if your partner may be cheating? In this article, we’ll dive into the common signs of a cheating girlfriend.
If you’re noticing any of these signs in your partner, it’s important to have a discussion about monogamy and fidelity. Still looking for a way to save your relationship? Here, you can find the best relationship advice.
- After the Affair, Third Edition: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful
- Make Up, Don't Break Up: Finding and Keeping Love for Singles and Couples
- Cheating in a Nutshell: What Infidelity Does to The Victim
- Intimacy After Infidelity for Couples Struggling to Survive an Affair: 9 Practical Steps to Let go of Anger, Insecurity, Judgement, and Punishment & ... Emotionally